Glory Wolf [6 Jan 12:14] aliyah im here ill chat wit you!!!
Iluvallbaltomovies [6 Jan 12:10] I'm all alone in the chat room......................some come in with me please?
Glory Wolf [6 Jan 12:00] yea yea i saw it thanks for wen i get home im gonna comment did u see all those comments Nala sent me..shes crazy about me....even though there are like 5 oher
Iluvallbaltomovies [6 Jan 11:50] No i didnt kno about that one.Do you kno i sent you a messege a few days ago?
Glory Wolf [6 Jan 07:31] sorry bout being late on this post but i FRICKIN LOVED NARNA EVEN THO I SAW it like 3 weeks ago lol...i have a myspace but you already know about it aliyah but i dont think u know my new one HI ALANA!
Dreaming Wolf [6 Jan 07:28] Yeah BHB, school is so-not -cool. *sigh*, oh well, I do have good news: I just saved a load of money on my car insuraence by-------- oh, no what I mean to say is that I just finished all the books in the Chronicles of Narnia!!! Wow, they were great!!
baltohaterburner [6 Jan 06:17] Horay, i an shout again. i dont like school. Now if you'll excuse me i must go to it.
Alpine [6 Jan 03:17] Watch the posting Sapm
Iluvallbaltomovies [5 Jan 20:52] I havent seen it...........and i dont reallt wanna.I dont really like movies like that.I read the books though.
Maverick [5 Jan 20:12] Seen it and loved it.
redwolf03 [5 Jan 19:59] That movie is the best one ever, right after Balto and The Lion King! It's the best live-acting movie I've ever seen! :) :) :)
alteanwolf [5 Jan 17:31] Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snowpaws [5 Jan 16:36] I've seen it twice! Isn't it awesome?
La Koda [5 Jan 00:22] Hey, everyone! I know I'm a little late, but I JUST saw NARNIA and it ROCKED! How many of you have seen it?? ^_^
Zahnaku [4 Jan 19:51] hey everyone!!!!
and ya, "Imuvallbaltomovies," i gotz a myspace!!!
how about you??
Iluvallbaltomovies [4 Jan 18:58] Ok! Hey who here is on
alteanwolf [4 Jan 18:51] hey Aliyah! That's good! ^_^ You can just call me Alana in that case! ^_^
Iluvallbaltomovies [4 Jan 18:03] Yeah i'm gonna.And u can jus call me aliyah if u wanna.
Dreaming Wolf [4 Jan 08:37] Hi Balto875, how was the tour? Wow, been away for a while guys, but I'm back to stay!
alteanwolf [3 Jan 23:01] GW, hurry and get back on plz!!!!!!!! i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts crying* Hey, ILBM, are you going to join my role play? Hey Wolfen. It can do that. Are you going to join my RP as well?
Zahnaku [3 Jan 20:37] heyy everyone its me Wolfen!!
I forgot my password (for some reason my password is not working) hmmmmm??
O well, so just know that its me Wolfen!! hahaha
Sam(SRA) [3 Jan 20:30] Hi peepluz wuz up? XP i just sent in art XD hopefulli it shall b up soon XD
sammy [3 Jan 19:27] yelpsi mikayla and kira do not like u they tpld me to say
alteanwolf [3 Jan 17:37] Hey! I just posted GW. Go check it out when you have the cance! Are you going to join us ILBM? Hi, Wolfen. what are you doing?
Wolfen [3 Jan 17:08] hey everYone!!!
Glory Wolf [3 Jan 14:51] alana aliyah..i am im sorry for leavng u 2 like that..i relli missed u ..alana and i wont do it again..i posted so yea go check it out..ill try to keep dae..but im mostly busy doing other things around here that isnt fun so i apologize now...well im gonna go now ...luv ya alana..peace out aliyah!
Rose [3 Jan 14:31] hi every body
alteanwolf [3 Jan 11:20] I know what you mean ILBM. He hasen't even sent me a reply to my last e that I sent him. I don't know to do!
Rose [2 Jan 23:33] hello
Rose [2 Jan 23:32] is any 1 here
Iluvallbaltomovies [2 Jan 22:32] Sure! I'm getting worried too. Where is he??? :(
alteanwolf [2 Jan 21:56] No I haven't ILBM. I'm getting worried. *looks around, kind of lost* Want to join my Role Play I started with malcom? We need more people to add as our friends. please!
alteanwolf [2 Jan 21:40] If you want to meet more poeple, join the forums. I have a Role Play up if you want to join glory wolf and me.
Iluvallbaltomovies [2 Jan 21:38] AW You havent seen malcolm anywhere ether??
alteanwolf [2 Jan 21:35] Hey, it's nice to meet you. I've been here awhile, so if you have a question, ask me. ^_^
Wolfen [2 Jan 21:24] Heyy!! Alana
alteanwolf [2 Jan 20:57] Hey GW. Where are you at? I really miss you!:( Hi Wolfen, I'm alteanwolf or Alana. Whichever you perfer.
WOlfen [2 Jan 17:37] hello?
anyone there?
AliyahAKA ILABM [2 Jan 14:31] I'm waiting in the chat room........................i'm so alone
angelwolf-scwp [2 Jan 14:13] hi go to bato source or go to chat room
Iluvallbaltomovies [2 Jan 13:02] I'm in the chat room waiting
sapm [2 Jan 12:28] please someone come join me in the chat room
sapm [2 Jan 11:33] sorry! hey want to go to the chat
silver_balto [2 Jan 10:42] hey buddy, you aren't supposed to quintuple post. Wait until someone else posts. You jam up the shout box. I'm telling you this before one of the mod have to.
sapm [2 Jan 10:37] hi im from houston texas and i love wolves and horses and rats and snaks and birds and a lot a animals!!!
sapm [2 Jan 10:35] hey come chat we got one person in ther allready come on!!