glory hound [25 Oct 22:31] sylvie
baltohaterburner [25 Oct 22:19] Im proving my point that im not just saying i hate rap because u like it.
Cole The Coywolf [25 Oct 22:17] Why do you want me to see it? You hate me.
baltohaterburner [25 Oct 22:08] Wanna see my library of music? Its all rock.
Cole The Coywolf [25 Oct 21:48] Your just saying that because i like it.
baltohaterburner [25 Oct 21:44] Ugh *shudders* Rap, the downfall of all modern civilization. Its not even music, because to be music it needs melody which is created by instruments, which rap lacks.
Dreaming Wolf [25 Oct 21:41] Well, there's one rap song I like, but it doesn't ound like rap. I like things more like classical, and even better, rock N roll :D
Cole The Coywolf [25 Oct 21:09] Sorry man but i think rap rules. Like like Eminem's songs.
Dreaming Wolf [25 Oct 21:06] Welcome back Cole! Redwolf, I almost live for music! I listen to every kind of music there is except for Rap!
Cole The Coywolf [25 Oct 20:58] HI EVERYBODY!!!!!! I have'nt been here for a week or so. I was on a trip. How are you all doing?
redwolf03 [25 Oct 20:42] Actually, I only play flute (my sister's the one with the violin and clarinet). I've been going at it for 6 years, and now I am FINALLY an advanced flutist! *bows* Thank you, thank you! :D I just love music so much. I seriously think I couldn't live without it. Besides being in Band, I'm in Choir too at school, and I go around singing a lot when I'm in my room at home....I LOVE MUSIC!!!!
La Koda [25 Oct 20:07] Yeah! I wanna know that, too! What did he do, if he was?
Alpine [25 Oct 18:41] Sarah, this is Balto Central...
baltohaterburner [25 Oct 18:29] Does anyone know if cole got banned?
La Koda [25 Oct 18:27] I wish we had a good one... Ours is a jerk... One of our majorettes got her heart broken on the field when she had the most drops she'd had the entire year in the first song of our show at a contest, right? Our drum major saw her crying and he told her, "I saw you start to cry during the drum solo and I could have jumped off this podium and slapped the he** out of you!!".... That doesn't make I good drum major, in my opinion! I hope you were better than that, togo!
togo [25 Oct 18:06] Since you can't march with a bassoon, I had to be drum major, soooo embarassing. I did a good job, though :P
La Koda [25 Oct 16:49] LOL Thanks! Mine is awful! He has an identical twin and they just love to play tricks... Though, they never can switch places on me and his brother's g/f... We know them too well!!! LOL!
Luminate [25 Oct 16:19] Woaa you have alot of talent. ^^ My boyfriend calls me the Pillsberry dough boy and pokes me in the stomach. I'm ticklish everywhere, so I always squeal.
La Koda [25 Oct 16:18] My boyfriend picks on me about my playing flute and piccolo! he'll be like, "I love the band dork!" LOL But, I can also play saxophone, trumpet, bells, piano, drums, and, right now, during football season, I twirl batons on the majorette line! :)
La Koda [25 Oct 16:15] My boyfriend picks on me about my playing flute and piccolo! he'll be like, "I love the band dork!" LOL But, I can also play saxophone, trumpet, bells, piano, drums, and, right now, during football season, I twirl batons on the majorette line! :)
Luminate [25 Oct 15:17] Lol, La Koda, it is all in LOVE! My boyfriend does that to me too. And I play flute! Flute is awsome!
baltohaterburner [25 Oct 13:06] I dont play any instruments.
Dreaming Wolf [25 Oct 13:06] Hey Redwolf, your lucky! You have friends! I only have one friend, and he lives in NY! Hehe, we play lots of jokes on him. You play Flute and Violin? I play some piano and saxaphone :)
Greykitty [25 Oct 12:39] Sorry, but I believe only Yukon can unban you from there.
La Koda [25 Oct 08:12] I didn't know we were ALL band dorks!? LOL
togo [25 Oct 07:56] I play the bassoon!!! I luff it sooooooo much :P
sarah wolf [25 Oct 03:35] can sommeone un ban me on ##### source shout box i really miss it ask loz or someone to unban me bacause i love it there and if they let me go on again i will let use all go on my new website
La Koda [24 Oct 23:13] BTW, bhb! I've done that, too! I like the look on their faces when the wrapper's heat finally absorbs into their skin!! LOL **interesting ain't it?**
La Koda [24 Oct 23:09] Hey, you're not a nerd! I play the flute! As well as, the piccolo! :D Flutes and piccolos are cool!
Alpine [24 Oct 22:43] If someone did something like that to me....I hope they don't value how their face is arranged
redwolf03 [24 Oct 20:41] *snorts* 'Nice guy'? People who go around licking gum wrappers and sticking them on other people are NOT nice! I'm kidding. :) I'd just hate to be the people you prank on! And Luminate, thanks, but if you saw me you'd know what a "perfect" person I am. I'm mostly the quiet girl at school. I hardly say 10 words throughout the entire day, and I even find it hard to talk to my friends sometimes. I guess I'm just scared people are going think I'm a nerd or a freak if I say something 'wrong'. *rereads post* Gee, it sounds like I should drop my flute and take up the violin, sooooo sorry for poor little me! *takes up violin and starts to play like the Fiddler on the Roof in a caffiene-frenzy* Whoa...*slumps to the floor and the violin clonks her on the head to knock her out* Ooo, pretty colors... :D
baltohaterburner [24 Oct 18:22] Hrm, lemme think, I have covered someone in a ton of different items. Sharpie haha, thats always fun. Squeeze cheese, and the best one is taking big red wrappers, licking them and put them on a sleeping person, burns like heck.
La Koda [24 Oct 16:19] That's the fun in it, isn't Luminate! Even teachers can take jokes! I know that my friends and I are terrible to each other, but it's all done out of love! Even me and my boyfriend play like that! He's always tricking me into things that always wind up making me laugh in the end! LOL
baltohaterburner [24 Oct 16:08] Im the nice guy with a darker side, im friends with almost everyone.
Luminate [24 Oct 15:39] Lol redwolf. I don't think you are a goody-goody. My friends think I'M crazy. They don't think I'm shy at all, and I won't lie to you. And to Halfbreed- I prank my friends all the time and call them names, trip them etc. They all know it's a joke. And I have LOTS of friends, but I wouldn't call myself popular.
HalfBreed [24 Oct 08:32] WOW, even I'm confused on that one, she must have been really confused. I hate doing that to people though, seems really mean. I mean what did they do to deserve it?
La Koda [24 Oct 08:20] lol.... That's kind of interesting! We have a new Spanish teacher who is from Colombia and she just moved here! Well, she's not too good with English yet and we have guys who just love to get her started! Especially my boyfriend and his identical twin! They'll switch seats and answer roll for each other and answer questions when she calls out their own name or each others and just run her in circles! The other day they did it, and she ran off this whole sentence of jibberish to him and when she finished, she looked at the class and she was like, "I apologize... I should not have called you those names.........." XD
Greykitty [23 Oct 22:44] Lol. that's kinda funny. Yeah, ours was pretty cool too. She decided to stay in the U.S. and now she's a chiropractor. :P
baltohaterburner [23 Oct 22:41] Ours made fun of a kid who hates clicking sounds, got beat up badly.
Alpine [23 Oct 21:01] We had an exchange student...he was cool lol
Greykitty [23 Oct 17:59] my family had an exchange student for a little while and she could never pronounce Burger. So whenever she went to order she'd always say, "I want a cheeseBooger!" lol
Greykitty [23 Oct 17:57] LOL! It's funny when people mess up on insults.
Alpine [23 Oct 17:41] This ain't a prank, but it was an expirience I had in Wal Mart once...anyways, I was in the toy isle looking to see if they had any good model cars, and in the next isle over, I heard a kid whining to his mom, or sister or someone I beleive related to him. Next thing I know, she goes "you know what?! You're like a hole in the ass!" ...I'm standing there thinking What the heck...but I had to laugh at what she had said, who she said it to wasn't funny.
baltohaterburner [23 Oct 17:15] Best prank ever, take 3 pigs, number them 1,2,and 4. Set them loose in school, they find the three pigs and look for the pig with #3 on it all day.
Greykitty [23 Oct 15:30] Toilet papering cars and houses is fun. ^^
redwolf03 [23 Oct 14:42] Gee...I'm such a lost and lonely soul in the world of pranks. :( :D I'm pretty much a Miss Goody-Goody out in the real world. If I wasn't so shy all the time, well...I'd be doing about the same things you people are doing! *sniff* But I guess I'm always going to be shy. Ah, well. Now I'm sure we can continue with the list of pranks that's building up...
Dreaming Wolf [23 Oct 13:59] Once when our friend was painting our door (he's 36, and we are in a eternal war with him, and he's still our friend!) I shot a rubber band with paint on it and it hit his face, leaving a long and wide paint mark. I started to run and he chased me 3 blocks before he caught me, and when he did he painted my hair white! :)
La Koda [23 Oct 13:33] Oh, c'mon! We put everything back! **and plus it was done to a group of our youth group chapperones while on a youth trip in NY** See, no harm done!
baltohaterburner [23 Oct 11:34] Wow, how not funny. >:(
La Koda [23 Oct 11:28] Me and my friends hung out in a Walmart one time, and we wound up in this really crowded ailse, so one of the guys got the brilliant idea, that since everyone wasn't paying attention to their carts, that we'd have some fun! We were picking up random things out of their buggies and switching them for other peoples thing and mixing up everyoen's stuff! It was hilarious! :D