alteanwolf [13 Jan 07:47] Hey GW!
Glory Wolf [13 Jan 07:20] HI alnana alana alana alana and...La koda!!
kemo2006 [13 Jan 02:33] yukon the link to the music videos dosnt work
kemo2006 [13 Jan 02:32] yukon the link to the music videos dosnt work
kemo2006 [13 Jan 02:31] yukon the link to the music videos dosnt work
alteanwolf [12 Jan 19:14] Hey GW, La Koda, Sky and bhb!
baltohaterburner [12 Jan 19:06] Umm her mom said she isnt old enuf for a mate..and it was all for god...people take that stuff so seriously round here. Man i wish i was on the phone right now with my ex lol...were talkin again.
HOPE [12 Jan 18:46] baltohaterburner wernt you autumns old mate
redwolf03 [12 Jan 16:57] Alright, bhb! I told you it could happen. :) :) :)
redwolf03 [12 Jan 16:57] Alright, bhb! I told you it could happen. :) :) :)
Dreaming Wolf [12 Jan 06:35] Really? I just tried it, and it's fixed I suppose. And BHB, I am happy for ya ;)
bhb [11 Jan 22:51] Its because its down.
alteanwolf [11 Jan 21:24] What's up with the RP on the forum board? It's showing up N/A.
alteanwolf [11 Jan 16:57] hey GW!!!!!!!!!!! I'm here. I'm heading to the forum board!
baltohaterburner [11 Jan 16:30] Yeah alright i know this. Thanks for telling me. Guss i forgot to go to the chat room last night...haha im smart..
Glory Wolf [11 Jan 09:32] ALANA..where you be!?
Maverick [11 Jan 09:12] Well, Bhb thought i'd tell you some chick who was calling you her mate was in the chatroom looking for you.
baltohaterburner [11 Jan 06:14] Man ive been so and my ex have been getting friendly again. But thats another story. Who has been enjoying school?
Dimond [10 Jan 17:55] niki huntter HOPE and autumn ill b on L8r
winry [9 Jan 19:02] kagome u here
kagome [9 Jan 18:07] hi all
Dreaming Wolf [9 Jan 12:56] Wow, not the place to be! Of course, I'm not going to be drinking. I think it's a bad thing to start. And yes Maverick, we did mean driver's permit a 15.5, lol, though I do wish it was license! ;D
Yukon [9 Jan 12:51] Here you can only get your drivers at 18, though here one can drink at 18 too...that's a bad combination to start both at the same time, eh? hehehe...probably why we have one of the highest (if not the highest) car accident rates in the world.
Maverick [9 Jan 10:54] I think he meant he got his driving permit when he was 15.5 not his drivers license.
Greykitty [8 Jan 23:47] I procrastinated and didn't get my license until I was 18. XP
kagome [8 Jan 22:38] is anyone here
kagome [8 Jan 22:38] hi ppl
Alpine [8 Jan 21:46] I got my license at 16...
Sam(SRA) [8 Jan 21:17] any1 there?
Thunder{BM}DVWSP [8 Jan 19:49] I'm here sanji heyy
Sanji{AM} DVWSP [8 Jan 19:48] thunder CS you guys here
Dreaming Wolf [8 Jan 19:10] Nope, not me. Out howling at the moon I shouldn't wonder :D
redwolf03 [8 Jan 17:30] Has anyone seen Cole the Coywolf around lately? I haven't seen him for a long time.
togo [8 Jan 11:09] Texas is right on top of Mexico!! :P
baltohaterburner [8 Jan 10:33] WHAT!? 15, thats slightly unfair, in my state i have to wait till im 16 and 16 1/2 to get my license.
Dreaming Wolf [8 Jan 06:25] To Balto875: Woah man, you had it rough! I broke my left arm when I was 9, and almost broke the growth plate to! But you got your Car?!? Cool!! I get my drivers ED at 15 1/2, so I can't wait! And oh yeah, I have a question: My father and I are getting me a skateboard, so is there anything special we should look for??
niki [8 Jan 00:59] texas where r u!!!!!
Iluvallbaltomovies [7 Jan 15:38] I'll go!
AmberRomance [7 Jan 15:00] can anyone come to chat??
Balto875 [7 Jan 14:38] Hey BHB, haven't heard from ya in a while
La Koda [7 Jan 14:37] Hey, BHB! Go to Chat!!
baltohaterburner [7 Jan 13:11] I use to play it. But well...i dont pay for stuff.
Pirkka [7 Jan 10:46] Suggesting good game if someone want to challenge I'm ready anytime;)
Alpine [7 Jan 01:43] Nightmoon, stop double posting and stick with one name...
nightmoon [6 Jan 23:37] nightmoon is in the houes
Dave [6 Jan 23:28] Guys you there?,well i'll be headin back to balto source ok i'll cya guys there ok!
winry [6 Jan 23:28] nnnnnnnoooooo
kagome [6 Jan 23:27] yes
kagome [6 Jan 23:27] i am there dave
Dave [6 Jan 23:26] Can i meet you guys there?