alteanwolf [22 Nov 10:08] Hey everyone! I'm new to this but I wanted to give everyone a shout!
Glory Wolf [22 Nov 07:29] Where evere u are sarah wolf i love u......:yawn: way to early for this hey there alpine
Yukon [22 Nov 06:38] *deletes a few messages by angelwolf and sarah wolf* - time to finish off that new banning system...
baltohaterburner [22 Nov 06:16] I swear we should just have a quiz before your aloud to post on the shoutboard.
Alpine [22 Nov 00:43] No double posting Sarah
Alpine [21 Nov 22:18] Watch your post limit, Angel
La Koda [21 Nov 21:53] Awesome, la chica! **smiles** Hope you have a blast on BC!
angel~Ice Princess [21 Nov 20:41] Lumi why are'nt ya at school
alteanwolf [21 Nov 20:22] Hey, La Koda! I just signed up! Like my name?
bhb [21 Nov 19:41] I just did
La Koda [21 Nov 19:18] Hey, bhb! Go check mine out!
steven s opp al [21 Nov 19:15] sarah wolf if your in here im me on msn
baltohaterburner [21 Nov 19:03] Wow i havent read this stuff latly either. I havejnt looked at fanart in a while
La Koda [21 Nov 18:30] Long time no READ!
Sombra [21 Nov 18:26] No, which would be correct referring to a shout board. See or hear?
Sombra [21 Nov 18:25] Hey Sweet Fur Amy! Long time to see, uh...hear! :D
redwolf03 [21 Nov 17:50] Greykitty's, I think. Hey guys! Things are AWESOME, because I have no Pre-Algebra homework for the next 2 days, and then it's Thanksgiving vacation! Oh yeah! *punches air* She shoots-she scores! :)
Luminate [21 Nov 17:43] I have a question- Who's art won the Yukon contest?
Balto875 [21 Nov 17:43] HEY!! Redwolf03 how's it goin
Sweet Fur Amy [21 Nov 17:39] Hey Redwolf!
redwolf03 [21 Nov 17:35] Hmmm, big stick, big stick...*sniffs around on the ground for a stick* *finds something* Hey, how about this? *holds up giant Pixie stick, hits CW with it and all the sugar pours out* *opens mouth and sugar falls in* MMMMMM! Leftover Halloween candy! :) Aaaaaah, now I'm hyper! WHEEEEEEE! BOB SAGET'S SYMPATHETIC INDONESIAN PERSUASION ON A BIG WHITE BOAT!!! HAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA!!! *spins around in a frenzy* WHEEEE!!!! Ha...*grin, falls down asleep* Zzzzzzzzz...
Sweet Fur Amy [21 Nov 17:23] I'm going to the chat.
Sweet Fur Amy [21 Nov 17:22] Hey CW!
Cyberwulfe [21 Nov 17:08] I think you guys are having WAY too much fun with that. =)
Balto875 [21 Nov 16:07] COOL, I wanna hit someone**HITS CYBER WITH A BAT** I'm done now.
La Koda [21 Nov 14:53] **walks over to Cyberwulfe and takes out a big stick** HERE GOES NOTHIN'! WHEE! **beats Cyberwulfe with big stick**
Cyberwulfe [21 Nov 11:32] I need people to come and beat me with sticks because I wrote TWO PAGES of my Balto fanfic and then got writer's block! AUGH!
Balto875 [21 Nov 10:27] COOL, hey dreaming wolf next time on tour is in Maine
La Koda [21 Nov 08:16] YIPPY SKIPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! **WHEE!** Jumps up and down and throws a party! **Anyone care to join?**
Sweet Fur Amy [21 Nov 08:05] What's up?
Alpine [21 Nov 02:15] Glory Wolf: She needs to be taught some respect and discipline...but you won't be hearing another peep out of her on here for a while....she was banned.
Cyberwulfe [20 Nov 21:00] Hey SFA. I'm going to head into the chat. Meet me there. It's 9:00pm EST and I'll be in there for a bit.
Sweet Fur Amy [20 Nov 20:57] *sits down and waits*
Sweet Fur Amy [20 Nov 20:57] CyberWulfe, are you there?
Glory Wolf [20 Nov 19:17] WOLFGIRL DONT LEAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cyberwulfe [20 Nov 18:38] A reminder to everyone to respect the Mods and Admins in the Chat. I just had to deal with some people who were mouthing off, but luckily they shut up when I played the Moderator card.
Please obey the rules and respect everyone in the Chat.
La Koda [20 Nov 18:04] That's right Balto875! My boyfriend doesn't get on here. But, we all call him "Nissan", while chatting and stuff! :)
Dreaming Wolf [20 Nov 18:04] Wolfgirl/SarahWolf, if you would just follow the rules and be a good citizen on Balto Central, it would be ok!
redwolf03 [20 Nov 17:48] No idea. :P
Snowpaws [20 Nov 16:00] No one has talked on SH for a while! What's going on??
wolfgirl [20 Nov 15:17] hey everyone im sorry about never comeing back...goodbye
Dreaming Wolf [20 Nov 15:14] Oh, ok, my bad! It's a shame your email isn't working. Tell me when it does and then we can start :)
Balto875 [20 Nov 14:30] Oh
Glory Wolf [20 Nov 14:26] i see lol i see
well i dont wat to fine with it the last time i had a girlfriend offline was like august and online like 3 years ago!
Balto875 [20 Nov 14:11] To: Dreamingwolf oops I almost forgot my e-mail still ain't workin
Balto875 [20 Nov 14:09] To: Glorywolf It isn't that there's something wrong with her it's just that I have a girlfriend offline.
Balto875 [20 Nov 13:55] She doesn't even like to use the computer.
Glory Wolf [20 Nov 13:54] wats rong with her?..i like her she doesnt seem bad
Balto875 [20 Nov 13:54] Huh... LaKoda isn't my girlfriend, my girlfriend doesn't even use baltocentral
Cyberwulfe [20 Nov 13:31] Keep in mind that sarah/thorn wolf is not the same as the furry artist "Thornwolf" from TIB.