HalfBreed [14 Nov 22:25] LaKoda sorry to hear about your dog, but I have a quick couple of questions for you, I'm sure the vet asked this as well. First of all where were you keeping the dog during the day, and the night/ where was it most of the time during the winter and all that. Usually Pnemonia is brought on by being cold and when a lot of water gets in the lungs. I had a dog that had double pnemonia at one time. She had it once and she never had it again. It all depends on the environment really
Balto875 [14 Nov 22:23] What the heck is going wrong I can't do anything
Dreaming Wolf [14 Nov 21:21] Sorry for the DP, but I cant even get in the forums now!
Dreaming Wolf [14 Nov 21:17] Yup. The forums is beginning to remind me of the never ending story, lol. And La Koda, I'm so sorry about your dog! I hope it all turns out ok :). And hey! Look! Yukon took the poll for the drawing contest down!
baltohaterburner [14 Nov 21:15] I cannot either, Yukon is a busy guy give him time.
Cyberwulfe [14 Nov 20:09] I've been trying to access the forums too. It's taking a VERY long time to load. I've contacted Yukon regarding this.
Hi everyone, btw!
redwolf03 [14 Nov 17:31] Gee, I hope your dog's OK, La Koda. It's not just you, Luminate. I can't even get INTO the forums. It'll start to load, then after 5 minutes of staying the same, it just stops loading. I sent Yukon an e-mail to ask about it, but so far he hasn't replied. That will explain my absent from the 2 RP's I'm currently doing (arrgh!) *mad at computer and at BC forum* I hope the forum gets back to normal soon!
Luminate [14 Nov 16:28] Is it just me, or is the Balto Central Forums taking an eternity to load?
La Koda [14 Nov 16:25] Yeapers! :) She's my baby girl! I love her so much... I've just been worried about her, here lately, bhb... She had a really bad case of what the vet called "double pneumonia", last Christmas... And we're worried that she might not make it through this Christmas... and if she does, she prolly won't make next years... :( It's sad... but, I hope everything will be okay...
baltohaterburner [13 Nov 22:56] Yeah LA koda they are territorial, wow ur Dachshund is old.
Balto875 [13 Nov 21:42] Yukon somethin is wrong I can't log in or chat, yukon please fix it I can't log in
Balto875 [13 Nov 21:04] Sure Dream wolf
La Koda [13 Nov 20:42] (dag should be DOG!) >.<
La Koda [13 Nov 20:41] lol Bhb, I have a miniature dachshund, too! Her name is Sandy. I'm in my jr. year in HS, now, and I've had this dag since 1st grade or kindergarten! **Can't think back that far! ^_^** But, they are a little territorial, aren't they?? LOL
Dreaming Wolf [13 Nov 20:31] Yeah, I got it! Cool Idea! Can you go to chat?
Balto875 [13 Nov 19:41] Hey Dreaming Wolf remember we talked this morning, oh and somethings wrong with my e-mail so I won't be able to check my messages but I sent you one
HalfBreed [13 Nov 19:30] same here with my husky, lol
Dreaming Wolf [13 Nov 19:27] I own a 12 year old Shi Tsue. She looks kinda like a Terrier, only smaller. Shi Tsues are very sweet dogs and they bond with their owners, which is probably why I have slobber on my face by the end of the day, lol!
Balto875 [13 Nov 19:24] I never knew how fun it was to talk about dogs, I'm stuck with a cat right now
HalfBreed [13 Nov 18:31] I own a Siberian Husky, she's the cutest thing in the world, she loves to play with my mom's Bassett Hounds, she stays with my parents until I get a place of my own and move off of campus here at school. As for all that territorial stuff, that shouldn't happen to you. You have to make sure she know's that you're higher in the "pack" then she/he is. If not then that can lead to some definite confrontations and episodes later on. Definitely not something you want to have happen. I work a Siberian Husky rescue and help get them adopted so if you're in the area or need advice, or just are looking at getting a husky let me know. It trully is a breed you really need to "Understand" before getting involved with it
redwolf03 [13 Nov 15:33] Oh, that's sad. When I get a house of my own I'm going to get a Siberian husky. :) Right now I have a labradoodle puppy named Kylie, and all she wants to do is have her tummy rubbed and for us to play with her. Everybody says she's so cute! *grin*
Alpine [13 Nov 15:19] Balto875, watch your posting limits.
Balto875 [13 Nov 13:43] I uesd to have a husky, but we had to give it away when we moved
Luminate [13 Nov 12:37] I don't technically own a dog, but my mom has an 8 year old Jack Russel Terrier. Very bouncy and yippy and bitey. Frankly I'm glad I don't own her. I still wish I had a German Shepherd
Cole The Coywolf [13 Nov 11:46] My dog is 3 years old. She's not mean at all. All she wants to do is play.
baltohaterburner [13 Nov 11:37] Minature Dachshund, 6 years old, his name is scooby, he is the most territorial dog ever, i go upstairs and he barks at me because he thinks im gonna touch his crate.
Cole The Coywolf [13 Nov 11:16] I have a malamute. It's a big female. She's the nicest thing you ever seen. Not territorial at all.
redwolf03 [13 Nov 10:15] Ooo, HB, you are so lucky! I've got a neighbor in my development who has an Alaskan malamute, and I used to like it a lot, but it turns out it's so territorial that it'll growl at you even if you set one foot on the driveway! I still like the malamute, but I just don't like the whole territory thing she/he has.
HalfBreed [13 Nov 08:59] haha, no, nobody bit me. They were all loving and fun, like most siberian huskies. I got to help with lining them out, putting on all the harnesses and putting them on the line. then, since there was no snow on the ground, I got to steer the three-wheeled cart while the dogs ran. We ran 8 miles total. It was a blast
Balto875 [13 Nov 07:48] Bye everyone
Balto875 [13 Nov 07:11] Hey man can anyone please meet me at the chat
Dreaming Wolf [13 Nov 07:10] I'm here, but let me just say the conduplet posting is not aloud (double posting). And did you know that there is another member here named Balto678? lol
Balto875 [13 Nov 06:49] So myself... anythin new, nothin oh well that's cool
Balto875 [13 Nov 06:45] dang... umm cool, Balto Central
Balto875 [13 Nov 06:41] I'm bored can anyone meet me at the chat room
Balto875 [13 Nov 06:09] Whoa cool, so halfbreed did they like bite you n stuff
Balto875 [13 Nov 06:05] Hey BHB I saw SAW2(huh that sounded funny) it wasn't that bad.
Alpine [13 Nov 00:29] Rasberry, to my knowledge, non-Balto related art is not allowed.
baltohaterburner [12 Nov 21:27] Hey, if your old enough and have a strong stomach. GO see SAW 2, it has got to be one of the best movies of the year...its quality is up there with Sin City.
Dreaming Wolf [12 Nov 20:51] Cool! That'd be sooo fun! And hey, Raspberry, I don't think you can post other art there. I mean this IS a Balto website, so it woudn't make much sense to post art of something otherwise. But that's not my desicion, only a mod can tell you :)
Luminate [12 Nov 19:37] That's been a dream of mine since forever! You don't know how lucky you are to go and do that *drools with jealosy*
HalfBreed [12 Nov 17:35] On the subject of FanArt I'm not "positive" I'll let an admin or mod answer that one for ya. On another note... I went dogsledding today, oh jeez it was soooooo much fun. An 8 dog Siberian Husky team. They were so hyper but soooo cool
La Koda [12 Nov 16:21] Since we're on the sublject of fanart... How come I can't enter mine on the submissions page? Do I have to email it to Yukon, first?
raspberry_wolf [12 Nov 16:20] hey i gotta question! i got fanart but i cant draw balto or his little firends!!! so is it ok if i send in art that ISN'T balto related?......can somebody please answer this question?
La Koda [12 Nov 15:59] Hey, Grey... Do you think that your pic of Yukon will win the contest?
Cole The Coywolf [12 Nov 15:41] Yeah. They come. But they don't talk alot on Shout Box. Hi Grey Kitty.
Greykitty [12 Nov 15:38] People come here, they just don't comment much. Same thing goes for my site... but the hits are slowing down there a lot too.
cadence [12 Nov 13:47] seems like nobody really comes here anymore thats pretty sad
cadence [12 Nov 13:46] hey is anyone in here?
Balto875 [12 Nov 12:08] I've noticed that not many people are coming as much as they used to