winry [6 Jan 23:26] plzzzzzzzz
Dave [6 Jan 23:26] Can we please go back to baltosource now?
kagome [6 Jan 23:25] dave she asked u a a?
Dave [6 Jan 23:24] Ok
Dave [6 Jan 23:24] sorry but i don't want to do that anymore
winry [6 Jan 23:23] i know it wuz a joke u know lol
Dave [6 Jan 23:22] I'm sorry but i just wan't to be friends Winry
Dave [6 Jan 23:21] hey guys can we all go back to baltosource now
winry [6 Jan 23:20] oh ok srry so do u want to be my mate
Dave [6 Jan 23:20] She kept on saying stuff that got us in trouble thats all
Dave [6 Jan 23:18] Noo i aint mad at anybody,i just got upset because the way she was acting thats all..
kagome [6 Jan 23:18] ok i am all alone no one to talk to no one to cheer me up but u got to have friends
Dave [6 Jan 23:17] Shes still my friend though
winry [6 Jan 23:17] see i told u that mates where nothing but trouble but i want one
kagome [6 Jan 23:15] starts to cry cuz dave is yelling at her
kagome [6 Jan 23:15] ok srry dave dont get mad at me
Dave [6 Jan 23:14] I DONT WANT ANYMORE MATES!! Just friends!
winry [6 Jan 23:14] wut do u mean
winry [6 Jan 23:13] hello dave r u still her mate
Dave [6 Jan 23:12] Sorry,whats yours Winry?
kagome [6 Jan 23:11] r u still her mate
Dave [6 Jan 23:11] i'm glad they took that matebox off the site!
winry [6 Jan 23:10] r u goin to answer my? or not and its ok
Dave [6 Jan 23:09] She thinks that we are dating and i really don't like it when she talks like that on the site!
kagome [6 Jan 23:08] ok i am talking to myself here
Dave [6 Jan 23:07] i'm sorry bout that,i mean Winry
kagome [6 Jan 23:07] yea wut is up w/ u and moon
winry [6 Jan 23:07] wut is up w/ u and moon
Dave [6 Jan 23:06] what did ya wanna ask me Wr?
kagome [6 Jan 23:06] talk to meh
wolfsrain [6 Jan 23:05] i am winry dave
Dave [6 Jan 23:05] ok
kagome [6 Jan 23:05] i am here to ppl
Dave [6 Jan 23:04] Yooo hooo wolfs rain you here?
winry [6 Jan 23:04] ok i am here dave this is wolfsrain
Dave [6 Jan 23:00] Wolfs rain you there?
Balto875 [6 Jan 21:11] God, my whole vacation was rough I broke my arm, almost got hit by a car, and now i'm layin down on my bed typen away, I visited the cherokee area yesterday cause Dreaming wolf said he lived there and because I JUST GOT A CAR I'm now 15 1/2 years old
Zahnaku [6 Jan 19:53] dude, thanks man!!
ur myspace is pretty sweet man!!
ill comment you later!!!
hahaha......nice pics man!
Alpine [6 Jan 19:46] Zahnaku, your chatroom will eventually be booted due to inactivity.
On a darker note: watch your posting rate...
Glory Wolf [6 Jan 19:39] not a im 16
Glory Wolf [6 Jan 19:38] ZAHNAKU!?..hey dude i jus added u on my im busasimba..o ur page is cool peace!
Zahnaku [6 Jan 19:36] nvm my previous message
Zahnaku [6 Jan 19:35] xan one of the mods fix the chatroom?
For some reason, my username Zahnaku is still on, but im not using it.
When i try to log off my username "Zahnaku" i cant override and that username remains there.
So i used a temporary user name "Wolfie" to chat, but i cannot access and my username Zahnaku to chat in the chat room.
So can one of the mods logout my username from the chat room???
Zahnaku [6 Jan 19:25] sorry SAPM, i was fixing my comp. it was messed
u can go bak in the chat!
Zahnaku [6 Jan 19:20] hey, Glory WOlf, nice myspace kidd!!!
You draw most of those pictures???
here's mine:
Zahnaku [6 Jan 19:12] HEYY!!!
anyone wanna go chat ?!!????
La Koda [6 Jan 17:11] It's okay, bhb! I had to go back today, too! I hate weather days.... :P
Iluvallbaltomovies [6 Jan 13:06] Ok lets go!