A storm approaches Nome… one not of snow, hail, wind or rain, but of something that cannot be seen by human or canine eyes…
Reviewer: Crystal Glacier
Date: 22nd May 2003
WELL DONE 10 of 10 ALL THE WAY!!! AWESOME JOB ON this one..
Date: 15th October 2003
BEST story I've ever read since the movie "Basic"!
Reviewer: Spirit of the North
Date: 15th December 2003
I can't read this on this site cuz I cna't read doc-style fics! poo-ee!! can you post this on, like, grey kitty's site or something? i go on that one the most. i put 10/10 cuz I think it'll be good...IF I CAN READ IT SOMEDAY!!!!!!!!
Reviewer: Carissa Robins
Date: 20th January 2004
I definitely give this story a 10 out of 10! This is by far one of the most interesting and well thought out fan-fics I've ever read! Please, keep up with the great work!!!!!!!!!
Reviewer: RejectedUnderdog
Date: 13th March 2004
*blinkblink* I can finally read it. And ya know what? I LOVED it!!!!!!!! There'll definately be a part 5, riiight? Right. Ya wouldn't just end the series *boom* like that....would you?
Reviewer: wolfdog
Date: 13th April 2004
Please write a 5th fanfic for this series!
Reviewer: RejectedUnderdog
Date: 23rd April 2004
You know what? I loved it so much I printed it out (40 pages, might I add) so I can read it whenever I'm bored or just want to. I loooove this part! Pleeeeeease write a 5th part!!!!!
Reviewer: Beomech
Date: 16th May 2004
I only read it 1/3 of the way through before i stopped, i hate Balto fanfics that wind up like that story-wise. Don't get me wrong at all, the wording and everything is excellent, like Wolfman's previous works, but...i just can't stand the hero getting all the bad things done to him. Good job though, J. Wolfman...........*shudders at the ending*
Reviewer: kitten
Date: 17th May 2004
YES!!! SWEET! Love it!
Reviewer: A Spontanious Reader
Date: 12th December 2004
It's an amazing story but as Beomech puts it... Well let's just say it made me cry when I read the ending and I hope you write a 5th part to revive Balto's true glory! That'd be great ;) thanks. Love all of your other stories and the beginning of this one...(GREAT job)
Reviewer: Phillip Bucher
Date: 13th March 2005
Man, I loved this one. But I hope there will be Band part 5, because I would love to find out whether balto will prove hemself innocent or not. Please write a band part 5.
Reviewer: Railwolf
Date: 29th August 2005
This one is so cool. you better wright another one, becouse it is just to good to leave hanging. My favorite out of all the Band storys
Band has gone too far this time! He has puppy-napped Balto's pups, Jenner and Kala, and taken them hostage. Now Balto, along with Jenna and a few other dogs from Nome, are finally going out to hunt down the menace and his Samoyed companion...
Reviewer: Crystal Glacier
Date: 22nd May 2003
Very Cool Story, I like the way its ploted.Nice Job
Reviewer: Spirit of the North
Date: 15th December 2003
This has to be my favorite one of the Band series yet. I like the ending, how Band lives and they think it's over....hehehehehhehehe....i like being evil....
Reviewer: baltohaterburner
Date: 14th February 2004
Its great. It was long, but i just kept on reading. GREAT JOB!!!!!
Reviewer: wolfdog
Date: 13th April 2004
Thank goodness the bad guy has been killed... He was working on my patience just because I was reading it! Keep up the good work!!!
Reviewer: RejectedUnderdog
Date: 23rd April 2004
Bad guy...killed? Hang on ... *rereads* Holy dang. That's what I get for scan-reading in the middle of the night. Oh well, still awesome, as always, Wolfman! :)
Date: 13th May 2004
I'm gonna hate this Band ,fortunately he's died...or not??????>:) Another excellent story:)))
Reviewer: Kitten
Date: 21st May 2004
I accidently put this review on NYPD part three, so if you see it there too, sorry for the confusion! This was the best of the series! *Highlight* Steele kills Bitey! YES!!
Reviewer: Spirited Wolfdog
Date: 12th September 2004
I LOVE this story! It's the best! All your stories are great, you always get a 10/10! I could read this story again and again all day. It was great! Keep up the good work Jason!
Band is back, and he's got Bitey with him. He plots once more to take Jenna as his mate, and also to get revenge on Draco. Will he finally triumph? Or will he be thwarted by Steele and Balto again?
Reviewer: wolfdog
Date: 13th April 2004
A must-read!
Date: 13th May 2004
WOW No more comment.....:DDDDD
Reviewer: FireSpirit
Date: 14th March 2005
This story was a little scary, but at the same time, VERY amazing. I love your stories! keep on writting!
The evil malamute, Band, tries to steal Jenna away from Balto, along with his two-dog gang, Bitey and Draco. Will he succeed, or face the wrath of Steele and his gang?!
Date: 3rd December 2002
My absolute all-time favourite Balto fanfic. This is the only fanfic I've read more than once. It held onto my interests right the way through and was written quite professionally. The best part is the thrill of not knowing what's about to happen just around the corner, as with most Balto fanfic the remainder of the storyline is quite predictable and often disappointing.
If I had to recommend any one fanfic for you to read, it would be this one. Then if you like, you can move on to the sequels, which are even longer. My advice to you: quit fooling around and start reading...
Reviewer: wolfdog
Date: 7th April 2004
This is an exellent story! I was surprised when Draco came up with a plan. It isn't like him! Then I saw why...
Reviewer: baltohaterburner
Date: 23rd April 2004
Grerat fanfic wolfman
Reviewer: Beomech
Date: 28th April 2004
So it begins, one of the best series of fanfics i have ever read, equalling with Cyberwulfe. This entire series is genius. This one especially is a great because it gives you the villains perspective for a change. 10/10 all the way.
Date: 13th May 2004
Holy Cow!!!!! This fan fic is unbelievable!!!! Good Job!!
Reviewer: RejectedUnderdog
Date: 28th June 2004
Reviewer: FireSpirit
Date: 14th March 2005
This story is amazing! It's my FAVORITE fan fic EVER written! I could read this every day and never het board.
Reviewer: StarFire
Date: 19th March 2005
This is my Favorite FAN FIC. I've never seen a better balto story in my life. its amazing, and so discriptive. Keep it up!
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