I redid the spray-paint Balto in PhotoImpression, and this is what I came up with. I still didn't want to change his colors, so he's still a grey dog. Anyway, this took me maybe 2o minutes. I like the effect in the background! :)
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 11th August 2004
That's great except he's gray and he's brown in the movie.
Reviewer: Balto
Date: 7th September 2004
this is from Balto 2 so i am grey i dont know why they changed my colors
Ok... I really have to scan my art. I was bored and decided to draw Balto in paint. But I didn't want it to come out like crap again, so I tried something new which I hoped would work. It didn't. And because I didn't feel like editing colors and stuff, I made him light grey, dark grey, and black.
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 11th August 2004
It's ok but it could use a little improvment.
Reviewer: StoneFox
Date: 14th July 2005
Yeah, About that... Like WOLFGAL said, It could use some improvement. Like: 1. Changing Balto from grey, to a brownish color. 2. Shrinking his snout just a tiny bit. 3. Making his ears a tad bigger.
Doesn't Steele look like a dinosaur? :P Anyway, this one was a real quickie... done completely in paint. But I like the way the scribbley-whiteness came out. About the title; I meant for it to be Steele in a dark alley. Hehe. Who will his next victim be? >:)
Reviewer: Ania Huskote
Date: 30th June 2004
I like it! Very creative! :)
Reviewer: Wolfy108
Date: 18th July 2004
I like it, very original! ;) It looks kinda sloppy, though.
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 11th August 2004
Doesn't really look like Steele.
Reviewer: whitewolf27
Date: 26th February 2005
no efense,but that doesn't really look like steele.keep practicing!:)
Done mostly on paint, but I did smudging and a few other effects on pi. Not one of my best... I really have to scan some hand drawn art. It's SO much better!
Date: 15th June 2004
Hey it's good! I love the Rays of Light in the Background!
Reviewer: Wolfy108
Date: 5th July 2004
Hey, good job! The Northern Lights in the background are really nice! Only one thing, Jenna's muzzle needs to be skinnier.
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 11th August 2004
It's nice.
Reviewer: whitewolf27
Date: 26th February 2005
nice job on jenna! 2 things about this that makes her look strange is that her muzzle is a bit big and her ears r a bit blury.:)
Balto stares up at the cliff from which he fell...Anyway, you may see I started shading (on the neck) but got too lazy and stopped. XP Well, tell me if there's anything I need to improve on in computerly-drawing Balto.
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 9th May 2004
It's ok, but Balto's more of a brownish color most of the time in the movie. Keep practicing though. Practice makes perfect;)
Reviewer: StoneFox
Date: 14th July 2005
It's COOL!!!!!!!!
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