I'm not good with drawing/coloring with computer, but this one I did great, I think. But after all it's just one of my experiments....:p
Reviewer: Wolfgirl
Date: 5th December 2003
Heh, its alright. I just kinda think ya cheated. You didn't Have to show the markings, so i just think ya got away with some bad art.
Date: 30th January 2004
It looks like you just printed out an image and TRACED it, then colored it.....
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 9th May 2004
Very neat special effects!
Reviewer: Justy
Date: 20th July 2004
Nice art Ruska, especially the detail on Balto with the halo effect
Reviewer: Wolfy108
Date: 20th July 2004
Nice job Ruska! :D I love the rays of light! Balto's outline is perfect, it looks almost like a screen shot. Wonderful artwork! ;) P.S.- Wolfgirl, Kaltag5050, I'd like to see some of YOUR art and rate it. *evil laughter* this drawing does NOT look traced AT ALL!!! >:( And it is NOT bad art!
Well, this one I drew in...20 minutes. Drew it with pencil only.
Reviewer: Wolfgirl
Date: 5th December 2003
Nice pic Ruska. Looks like something in 1 of my many Balto dreams. Alright, whos up for a chat? I am! Just chat to me in the reviews! Just address me as Wolfgirl so i'll know its for me not a fanartist. Only Balto talk, please!
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 9th May 2004
It's ok. Practice makes perfect;)
Reviewer: Wolfy108
Date: 20th July 2004
Really cool! Keep up the good work! ;D
Reviewer: ace of hearts
Date: 19th March 2005
It's O.K.,mabye if you practice on Aniu you'd be better.Not to be mean but I can't draw Aniu!^_^
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