You did a great job on the eyes! I think his left side shouldn't be so rounded, though; maybe a bit more furry? Great job, great pic!
Reviewer: Wolfy108
Date: 3rd June 2005
Since everyone is just talking here, I think I'll actually reveiw the drawing lol. It's a nice sketch and I like the eyes, but the fur on top looks a little too ragged.
Reviewer: silver_balto
Date: 7th June 2005
man, I spent so much time commenting, I didn't get a chance to rate this picture. LOL. I think it's cool, but the pencil you used must smudge, or some of the lead got on the side of your hand. Also, I don't think Balto had a prefectly rounded neck. Next time, try to make him look a bit more furry or shaggy. But keep up the good work. Your drawing looks quite promising.
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