Comments: My screenname is Tioga, I live somewere in the US, I currently own two websites: (My personal Site) and (My Balto Site, Balto Guide.) I like Wolves, Dogs, and Horses. My family and I own 2 horses, 5 dogs, 1 cat, and 14 chickins. Sorry, no cattle. And I'm somewere between that ages of 10 and 20.
Hi, That is really not that great you couldv'e done better. Try harder next time.
Date: 18th October 2003
First time for everything. Still it's a very good pic of Star. Keep up the good work.
Reviewer: Shadow Wolf
Date: 28th October 2003
Welllll, thanks for that Sweet Fur Amy. I did that one on paper. then I did one useing my tablet. Then my DOG chued though the cord. *growls at dog. Dog runs and hides.* I need a tablet PC. They Are Cool. I Rate my work... 10/10... or 9/10. One of the two.
Reviewer: Acanis
Date: 29th October 2003
Amy is totally unjustified in what she said, perhaps Shadow wolf should review some of her work. But on the whole this is a good pic but there is room for some improvement. Is it a scanned image? Try tidying up the outlines more to get rid of those white spaces, that would make it look a lot better. Apart from that it's a nice picture, keep it up!
Reviewer: Spirit of the North
Date: 25th January 2004
Well, it' much better than I could do. I am horrible at drawing Star. *grins*
Reviewer: General Von Stryker
Date: 10th May 2004
To tell you the truth "WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING?" Though its great for a beginer, this does cut it for the real pros. Just try you best next time (i didn't really men to give you this rating)
Reviewer: WOLFGAL
Date: 6th August 2004
It alright...but it doesn't look like star...but since it was your 1st Star I'll give u a 9/10
Reviewer: Balto
Date: 17th September 2004
gerneral SHUT UP! you probably couldnt do any better so thats why your fan works arent up!
Reviewer: jessie
Date: 20th February 2005
it is a pretty good picture ,but it doesn't really look like Star ,but only because of the color you did him in.but just keep practicing and you will get it!!!
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