The coloring is great on this one, but again I think her ears a too big. Maybe shrink them down a tad. Otherwise great work! :D
Reviewer: redwolf03
Date: 7th March 2005
Her neck looks a little foofy, and what's she walking on? Blue rubber?
Reviewer: bhb
Date: 8th March 2005
Wow your art lookes even better on a 38in. tv
Reviewer: Drawolf
Date: 8th March 2005
well, I love you coloring but the drawings still need to be fixed up! her ears are too big just as GK said her paws look a little weird and her too foofy...thats all. but if not mind that it's good!
Reviewer: Yukon
Date: 14th March 2005
Everyone else has pretty much summed up what I was gonna say, so no need to repeat it ;) Oh yeah and I think her muzzle is a tad short. I can say that the colouring is very nice though!
Very nice. I think a little shading would have been nice, but otherwise it's great. :D Keep up the nice work. :)
Reviewer: Yukon
Date: 2nd March 2005
Lemme guess, Paint Shop Pro :) Only thing that would have made it better would really have been proper shading on Balto ISO using a not-so-well placed standard PSP lighting effect. But besides that, the drawing itself is top-notch!
Reviewer: Greykitty
Date: 2nd March 2005
I may be wrong, but it looks like it was done in Photoshop. It has lighting effects just like that.
Reviewer: balto
Date: 4th March 2005
Date: 8th March 2005
wow this art is so so so so so so so good.
Reviewer: KoVuK_13
Date: 18th May 2005
Hey... muy bien zorro... very cute...
Reviewer: Snowwolf1995
Date: 21st July 2005
Bien it keep up the good work!!! :) :D
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